Community Engagement
We have achieved so much over the years and are very proud that we have earned our place in the hearts and minds of very many people in Dublin 15 and its environs. We have done so through a body of work that comes from and connects with the people we serve.
Work like ‘Hallelujah, Draíocht’s Community Clown Choir’, which began as a three-year initiative to bring together adults who wanted to sing and play and is now ongoing as a stand-alone project.
Or ‘Create Dance’, established in 2013, which parents tell us brings joy to their children with intellectual disabilities and delight to them as a family.
Or ‘Home Theatre (Ireland)’ in 2018, which saw 30 brand new pieces of theatre, created by 47 professional theatre artists, inspired by 30 Dublin 15 Stories, performed simultaneously all across Dublin 15 in 30 Homes, 3 times each, on the one night, totalling 90 Performances to over 1000 people.
Or more recently, NEST, in 2023/2024, Draíocht’s Multidisciplinary Festival of New Work in Performance and Visual Art, which saw 23 brand new pieces of theatre created by 48 theatre, dance and spoken word artists, inspired by 23 young people from Dublin 15, aged 8 weeks to 22 years of age. AND 48 portraits and companion pieces of the young people exhibited and then gifted to Fingal County Council’s Municipal Art Collection.
Such original and exciting projects sit alongside a year-round programme in our theatres that welcomes our excellent amateur and community groups as well as presenting the best of national and international talent.
Read more about our Projects, enjoy our videos and documentaries and then get involved …