Thank you for thinking of Draíocht. By leaving us a Gift in your Will, you can help to ensure that something you love, carries on for generations to come.
We are truly honoured to be considered for inclusion in your Will and we promise to use your Gift with great care and consideration.
Every Gift we receive will go towards our mission to create artistic space for EVERYONE in Dublin 15, so they get the opportunity to participate in and realise their creative selves through high-quality artistic programming.
Having a Will ensures that your estate goes to the people and causes you care about the most. After you have taken care of your loved ones, you can leave a truly memorable and inspiring legacy that will make an impact on the lives of future generations.
Draíocht’s Strategy presents a vision which may be familiar – of an Ireland where everyone has the opportunity to enjoy and be enriched by the arts. Our ambition is simple: we want to make and share more art, with and for more people in Dublin 15. We want to do so joyfully and with integrity, engendering local pride, showing national leadership and confirming a sustainable future.
Thank You for helping us realise that vision.

There are many forms your Legacy can take including leaving a specific sum, leaving property or a particular asset. In all cases, please consult a solicitor when making your Will.
Please leave your Legacy Gift to:
Draíocht CLG, The Blanchardstown Centre, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15 RYX6
Registered in Ireland No. 266358, Charity (CHY12696)
At Draíocht we help people of all ages to make space for the arts in their lives. Working collaboratively with artists of all disciplines, we journey with thousands of people to enhance their lives through arts events, projects and initiatives. We bring the public and artists together and in that space, MAGIC HAPPENS.
We’re so grateful that you might consider making magic with us as part of your Legacy.
Thank you.