Draíocht is delighted to deliver the Spréacha Soar Festival for Children & Young People, an exciting week of 23 brand new shows inspired by young people from Dublin 15, aged just days old to 22 years old, the culmination of months of work and our project NEST.
For Children aged 9-10 years
10am & 12 noon / Main Auditorium Stage / Capacity: 60 per show
Sunshine in Portmarnock
A Show for Adam
Created By Monica Munoz
Performed by LA Feeney
Directed by Katie O’Halloran
Adam loves the beach: the sand, the water, the wind, the bubbles …This piece celebrates the sensory, tactile and playful. It takes ordinary objects and makes them extraordinary and magical. Bursting with dance, colours and textures to create a multi-sensory wonderland from a day on a beach; on Portmarnock beach where Adam and his family very often go.
Skin and Blister
A Show for Exaucee & Destinee
Created & Performed by Pippa Molony
Directed by Katie O’Halloran
Destinee and Exaucee are identical twins. Both are in Third class. Both have unicorn-ice-cream-sprinkle-school bags. Both love piggy backs. But despite their countless similarities, Des and Susay are not the same. For all the amazing things that make them alike, there are as many things that they do unlike each other. Or anyone else.
For Children aged 10-12 years
10.15am & 12.15pm / Draíocht Studio / Capacity: 60 per show
All Quiet in Coolmine
A Show for Nilas
Created & Performed by Kwaku Fortune
Directed by Katie O’Halloran
Nilas is in 4th class. He loves history. Especially war history. His favourite film is “All Quiet on the Western Front”. This piece takes Nilas’s interest in war and brings it through the lens of play and imagination, whilst also exploring elements of the writer’s own childhood, and aims to discover what it’s like to be 10 years of age in modern day Ireland.
A Show for Patrick
Created & Performed by Jody O’Neill
Directed by Katie O’Halloran
Freeze is about a boy called Trevor. There are a few things you might want to know. It's his birthday today. He's just turned 12, which is a pretty big deal. He likes football, and Fortnite, and sometimes he gets frightened. Today, Trevor’s going to get a special present, but he doesn’t know that yet.
NEST is based on HOME THEATRE, an original idea by Marcus Vinicius Faustini (Brazil) and Kerry Kyriacos Michael (UK). Draíocht’s iteration, HOME THEATRE (Ireland), took place in 2018.
NEST is funded by ART: 2023, a Decade of Centenaries Collaboration between The Arts Council and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
#DecadeOfCentenaries #Art2023 #NEST #SpreachaSoarFestival