Monsters in your School
Calling x4 D15 Primary School Class Groups
Dance in Your School
14 & 21 March 2025
04 NOVEMBER 2023
NEST Workshops for Families & Hosts with Veronica Coburn
Session 1
After travelling the length and breadth of Dublin 15 visiting Primary & Secondary schools during September & October, Artistic Director of NEST, Veronica Coburn, has started to bring together some of our Hosts & Ambassadors, for fun workshops in Draíocht. The first session happened on Saturday 4th November.
Hosts also got to meet their Visual Artist, tasked with creating a portrait, commissioned by Draíocht, for exhibition, opening on 17th February.
Coming in January 2024:
Veronica will begin to pair our NEST Project Hosts with our NEST Artists!
Coming in February & March 2024:
On Saturday 17th February 2024, all NEST Hosts, Ambassadors and Artists will come together for the first time in Draíocht for a big workshop and get to know you session. Artists will then go into their hosts community settings for 3 days (19-21 February) before they begin writing their newly inspired theatre pieces (22 & 23 February).
Also on Saturday 17th February 2024, a newly commissioned NEST exhibition of participant children's portraits will open in Draíocht's Ground Floor Gallery, from artists Zsolt Basti, Sahoko Blake, Una Sealy & Dorothy Smith, Curated by Sharon Murphy.
On Saturday 24 & Sunday 25 February 2024: All new theatre pieces get a Read Through in Draíocht with Artistic Director Veronica Coburn.
Rehearsals take place the week of 26 February 2024 before all NEW NEST WORKS are performed for the first time in their community settings, simultaneously, on Friday 1 March 2024.
After a week of rehearsals and technical support in Draíocht, all 23 NEW NEST WORKS will be performed in Draíocht as part of the Spréacha Soar Festival for Children & Young People, from Monday 11 - Saturday 16 March 2024, with shows scheduled for schools and families.
Draíocht is delighted to deliver NEST, a visionary, artistically ambitious project of scale that will see 23 stories inspired by Dublin 15’s children and young people, aged just a few days old to 22 years old, our youngest citizens, brought to life through collaboration with leading multi-disciplinary performance artists - playwrights, theatre makers, spoken word artists, dance artists, and music artists - to produce 23 new contemporary works that map our present through the eyes of our children and young people.
NEST's 23 new pieces of work will be performed in homes and schools across Dublin 15 on March 1st 2024 to peer audiences and families. Then the project will culminate in the Spréacha Soar Festival for Children & Young People, from 11-16 March, when all 23 works will take over Draíocht’s two stages.
Led by Artistic Director, Veronica Coburn, NEST is about citizenship, alongside the idea of home, both individual and collective, a single house, a familial place, a society. It will mark the Decade of Centenaries by exploring the ideals of our origin state, liberty, equality and equity in a contemporary context.
On Saturday 17th February, a newly commissioned NEST Portrait Exhibition of participant children's portraits will open in Draíocht's Ground Floor Gallery, from artists Zsolt Basti, Sahoko Blake, Una Sealy & Dorothy Smith, Curated by Sharon Murphy.
A response space and photographic exhibition will also be created in Draíocht's First Floor Gallery by Artist Liadh Connolly to accompany the NEST Portrait Exhibition.
NEST is based on HOME THEATRE, an original idea by Marcus Vinicius Faustini (Brazil) and Kerry Kyriacos Michael (UK). Draíocht’s iteration, HOME THEATRE (Ireland), took place in 2018.
NEST is funded by ART: 2023, a Decade of Centenaries Collaboration between The Arts Council and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
#DecadeOfCentenaries #Art2023 #NEST #SpreachaSoarFestival
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